Get well greeting cards with an expressive edge

**Also available: You can have us personalize and mail the card out for you.** Cards are 4.5 by 6.5 inches, shiny coated, press printed on premium 100 lb card stock and comes with a white wove envelope.

Get Well Card 16-101
Get Well Card 16-101

Outside: "Wishing"

Inside: With the love in my heart, I wish for you, To end this suffering that you're going through, To wake up one morning and be anew, To spring back to life and be cheerful too, With the love in my heart I wish, May a little sunshine part those clouds of gray, may a little smile chase those frowns away, And with my fingers crossed, may your road to recovery start today

WEL 16-101Regular: $2.00Special: $1.50
Optional Mailing Service - put your message in the box below (85 characters max):
Get Well Greeting Card 16-102
Get Well Greeting Card 16-102

Outside: "14 Signs your Doctor may be Lying when he says it's not going to Hurt" When he received his M.D. from a mail order study course, When he moonlights as a butcher at a meat market, When Dr. #1 is named Moe, Dr. # 2 is named Larry and Dr. # 3 is named Curley, When he goes into a trance and starts chanting, When he uses a hammer for anesthesia, When he faints when the nurse starts to draw blood, When he uses an instruction manual and turns it upside and then scratches his head, When every pill he gives you, he takes two, When he has no name on his nametag, but has a skull and crossbones, When he quacks every time he sneezes, When he reads your chart upside down and pronounces you dead, When all the nurses call him Dr. Death, When he goes to the medicine cabinet to get medicine, he also helps himself to a little of this and little of that

Inside: If your doctor shows any of these symptoms, My diagnosis is that you run like hell! Hope you're feeling better and take care

WEL 16-102Regular: $2.00Special: $1.50
Optional Mailing Service - put your message in the box below (85 characters max):
Get Well Greeting Card 08-108W
Get Well Greeting Card 08-108W

Outside: A zillion stars shine tonight and they all shine for you, A zillion candles burn tonight and they all burn for you, A zillion roses bloom tonight and they all bloom for you, A zillion happy faces smile tonight and they all smile for you, So that is why a zillion of these can only do, And a zillion of these is what I must say to you........

Inside: Get well soon, get well soon, get well soon, get well soon, (deep breath), get well soon, get well soon, get well, soon..........

ALL 18-108WRegular: $2.00Special: $1.50
Optional Mailing Service - put your message in the box below (85 characters max):
Get Well Greeting Card 18-107W
Get Well Greeting Card 18-107W

Outside: "What do I believe" I believe in no day workweeks, I believe in casual everyday, I believe in the trickle up theory, I believe in all play and no work, I believe in chocolate breaks, I believe in sleeping till noon, I believe in daydreaming, I believe in outlawing alarm clocks, I believe in pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I believe in partying till the cows come home, I believe in magic, the tooth fairy, and Santa Claus, I believe in smiling faces, warm embraces, and a round of drinks for everyone

Inside: And most of all, I believe that you will get well......SOON!

All 18-107WRegular: $2.00Special: $1.50
Optional Mailing Service - put your message in the box below (85 characters max):

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