Outside: " Statistics show that Females in a relationship always outlive the Male....Why! " -->Female forces male
to take cold showers once too often, causing male to catch pneumonia and die -->Female will nag and nag untl
the male dies form shock -->Female will always hang underwear on the shower bar causing the male to hang himself
by accident with pantihose -->Female will have PMS, male will try to mate, male gets clobbered with a frying pan
-->Female gets so strong using a thigh exerciser, male gets crushed like a walnut while doing the wild thing -->Male
does all the work during sex, causing vital organ burnout -->Male's frustration with female's untimely headaches,
which is the #1 cause of strokes and heart-attacks in males -->Male eats meals once too often cooked by female
who has the ability to burn water -->Male hormones and ego, a deadly combo that causes male to do things for female
even if it kills him -->Male depression, while depressed females eat and eat, depressed males drink and drink untl their livers
fall off
Inside: Blank